Sunday, 1 February 2009

Step Two - Research

I thought a good start to this project would be to find out at first what a thriller films' characteristics are or what it consists of.

On one website it suggests that thrillers are usually fast-paced, with the hero/protagonist being an under-dog, having to stop a more well-equipped villan before they carry out their plans. In film-noir thrillers, the hero usually dies at the expense of saving everyone else. However, it also suggests that thrillers could follow innocent citizens lives as they get drawn into danger accidentally.

There are also many sub-genres that are included under thrillers :-
For example - medical, spy, action, and supernatural, ect..

Finding these research results really helps us towards finding a basis for our own thriller video, as now we know what is expected from the genre. It also gives a couple of pointers as to what we can include and gives us some ideas as to what to do.

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